Kid friendly flower arrangements

Last week, my son surprised me with a beautiful flower arrangement. He made it at school – with the guidance of a florist who came to his classroom to show the kids how to make a flower arrangement.
The mug was familiar, he had asked for it the day before, some vague “I need a plain white cup – it can’t be plastic”, request.

He was so proud of himself, and I was truly impressed. Getting a group of nine year olds excited about flowers isn’t easy. But even more, for me was the fact that he learned something that he didn’t know about, and I think that school should be about that – helping to introduce the unexpected. Don’t get me wrong, I love the visits from scientists and athletes, but this was a nice change.


Of course, my son being who he is, instantly realized that his close to professional looking flower arrangement could bring in big bucks. Mom, I need to make some more to sell…I could make a lot of money doing this.

Lucky for me, I didn’t have to pay for mine.


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Kid friendly flower arrangements

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