Manners when you least expect it.

A friend of mine recently shared with me the loveliest story about my tweenaged son because she wanted me to know, since parents usually never hear these things. My friend told me about how polite my son was. Huh? My kid, really? Yes, she wanted me to know because it isn’t often parents get to hear about these things. Not only did he thank her when she picked him up and when she dropped him off, but he also engaged in general conversation. When they got to the park, he carried the soccer equipment bag from the car and back. My kid, really. So maybe, all those years of reminding him to say please and thank you. All that nagging, all that reminding. Hey, it stuck- somewhere it stuck. And I had proof. It was so lovely to hear someone compliment my son on something that is so important to me.

So the next time your friends children surprise you with pleasant behaviour, make sure to let them know. And next time your kid is being rude, don’t feel bad about reminding them about their manners….eventually it sticks!

Manners when you least expect it.

Unplug With Yoga at the Thompson Hotel

Manners when you least expect it.

BlogHer 2015 – Inspiration and Learning (and some Partying)

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