We live in the city, in a small house, with a tiny back yard. Growing up, my mother had a big yard, with a large garden. Given the limitations of my yard, I never gave up on the hope that we could grow flowers and vegetables. Last spring, we dug up the sad, uneven grass patch that had been languishing for years. Our goal was to either re-lay new sod, or to put in bricks and use the space a separate sitting area apart from our deck. What ended up happening was we ran out of time.
In a desperate attempt to limit the mud pit in the back, I started planting things, anything I could find including raspberry and blackberry bushes donated from my mother, tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs. Last summer, the results weren’t so fantastic. But this summer, the raspberry and blackberry bushes have been full of fruits. Each day we go into the garden to check on our bounty. Some of the bushes grew on the outside of our fence and each time we go for a drive, we are rewarded with a few ripe berries to start us on our journey.
You don’t need to have a yard to enjoy fresh produce, last summer we had cherry tomatoes and beans grow in a pot on our back step. I still haven’t finished landscaping my yard, but I have been dreaming about potential additions. I almost bought a cherry tree the other day after I noticed my neighbour’s tree across the street, laden with bright red cherries, and figured if I kept it small, there would be room for it in the yard. I’m still thinking about it.