Author: Linda

Trial and Error, aka the food wars….

Something happened to my kid when he turned 8 years old.  First, his teeth started falling out (finally), and then he had a choking incident during lunch at school, combined with a case of strep throat.  All three things happened…

Perfect vacation lunch

I love to travel for vacation. Getting away from your usual routine, seeing different things and trying new things are all of the benefits we can enjoy. This summer we were in Vermont for my husband’s school reunion. During our…

Earth Day – Litterless Lunch Contest

We all have a lot to learn from our children.  Recently, in honour of earth day, my son’s school hosted a ‘litterless lunch contest” where the lunch room with the least litter would win a free pizza lunch.  To the…

March break madness – Lunch free

I’m a busy person, and sometimes, cooking healthy meals, and packing nutritious lunches becomes too much to handle.  I love to cook, but the call of the take out menu if often too tempting to resist.  Lunchtime meals present similar…

Valentine Hangover

My son’s birthday is one day after valentines day.  This means every February we have big celebrations, not just at home, but at school, with friends, with family. Valentines celebrations include gifts of candy from friend, from family.  In class…