Just when I think I know what to serve for dinner, the palette of my young diner changes. The child who once ate everything is suddenly suspicious. If he has ham there can’t be “edges”, if he’s eating a sandwich, I can put chopped onions, tomatoes, grated carrots and even sauerkraut but if there is even a trace of lettuce he can’t eat it. You think he would eventually drop his guard. You would be wrong. He carefully looks through all food, investigating the layers until he’s satisfied there is no lettuce. I have questioned the no lettuce rule many times and get the same answer each time….”edges”. Even the old standby fried egg sandwich has been regulated to the anti food list. Have you ever fried and egg and keep the edges from changing colour? Pretty impossible. So while I continue to offer the forbidden foods I am constantly amazed at his unwavering will power to risk hunger than actually eat these specific foods.