My kid started lobbying for an iPhone when he was in grade 5 – it took him two and a half years before he got one. And since it was a gift from his grandparents, he ended up getting a new one. And I figured, we should get a durable case, right? Make sense?
Well, who knew you can break the cover. It was only when we went shopping with for a new one that I realized how unusual it was to break a case…particularly an Otter case. When my son and I approached the electronics department, the two young men who worked there shook my son’s hand, they were in awe. “Dude, do you know that I launch my phone across the room and nothing happens to the phone or the case?”. “Yea, like I once dropped my phone from a second story building and it was fine.” They had never seen someone break a case. They took a picture of his broken case.
So here’s my lesson. Make sure you pay attention to the state of your kid’s phone case, and replace it as soon as it goes. I’m still not happy that I need to spend another $60+ for a new case, but I know that it is worth it. To replace the phone would cost much, much more. And of course, I didn’t keep the bill or receipt, I didn’t think this was a product that could fail.
I’m just wondering is this going to happen again?