I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always love every thing about my body. But it was alarming to hear that 97% of women have at least one “I hate my body” moment, every single day. We get stuck on the little things we don’t like about ourselves, and forget that they’re a part of what makes us, us. We’re made as imperfect creatures, and that’s amazing!
Instead of focusing on the things we can’t change about ourselves, we’d feel a lot better if we focused on the things we can. Perhaps it’s being able to run farther than we did last week, or hold a plank for 1 minute. Whatever it is, we can make healthy choices, from eating better, to exercising a little bit every day.
Special K is starting a conversation, to inspire body positivity, and help women own their bodies. They’re the only ones we get, we should love them and Own It!
You can join in the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and don’t forget to use #OwnIt